Blogger Templates

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

About - Stack Overflow

About - Stack Overflow: "You do. Stack Overflow is collaboratively built and maintained by your fellow programmers. Once the system learns to trust you, you’ll be able to edit anything, much like Wikipedia. With your help, we can build good answers to every imaginable programming question together. No matter what programming language you use, or what operating system you call home – better programming is our goal.

Stack Overflow is as frictionless and painless to use as we could make it. We believe finding the right answer to your programming questions should be as easy as falling into the pit of success … and maybe even a little fun along the way."

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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Social Networking CMS - Open Source solutions

Social Networking CMS - Open Source solutions: "LiveStreet is a free (GPLv2) engine for blog and social networks.
The project has been implemented with the OOP on PHP5 + MySQL5 and is built on the principle of the MVC model, which makes it possible to change both the logic engine, and appearance with ease.
The latest release ( LiveStreet 0.5.1 ) was published on 30th September 2011


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Monday, July 2, 2012

XHTML CUT- PSD to XHTML, PSD to HTML, XHTML Conversion, Prestashop magento theming, wordpress theming

XHTML CUT- PSD to XHTML, PSD to HTML, XHTML Conversion, Prestashop magento theming, wordpress theming: "Our team will make sure that you are left completely contented with the final result of all psd conversions"

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Drupal PinBoard Theme - Open Source Pinterest Clone Script |

Drupal PinBoard Theme - Open Source Pinterest Clone Script | " The PinBoard theme also combines flexibility, unique customizations, and a clean design built on the hugely popular Skeleton responsive framework - allowing for quick and easy modifications to your theme.

With PinBoard you can create your own pinboards, share them, repin other user's pins, follow other user's, or allow them to pin to your own boards. You can also add video pins from YouTube and Vimeo! "

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WordPress Membership Plugin - WPMU Dev

WordPress Membership Plugin - WPMU Dev: "A WordPress membership site, offering resources, forums, downloads, videos, support and more… with multiple different levels of membership and complete customizations
Multiple membership sites on a WPMU / WordPress MultiSite install – so any user of your site can have their own membership site, combine with Pro Sites to make this a feature they pay for – or you could run dozens of membership sites yourself
A BuddyPress membership site, where different groups and blogs are only visible to members, so members can join for free and then upgrade to key groups and forums"

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Return on Emotion, Return on Stress - Blog Articles - LessEverything

Return on Emotion, Return on Stress - Blog Articles - LessEverything: "Steve, and I aren't always investing money. The currency we're putting into these projects is our time and knowledge. These resources seem an endless bank to withdraw from.

Steve and I encounter many business opportunities, but these opportunities fuel the fallacy that we're rich in time and patience. This paradigm has falsely encouraged us to create more businesses, projects and events. Some of these projects have taken off and become viable sources of revenue for LessEverything, but most have not."

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Return on Emotion, Return on Stress - Blog Articles - LessEverything

Return on Emotion, Return on Stress - Blog Articles - LessEverything: "the hardest part of business is the fear of a lost opportunity. My trigger to start new projects and create things is happy to be pulled at anytime. I fear the regret hindsight could bring.

As business owners we’re in a battle of time allocation. What do I focus on? Where is my time & money best spent? We’re constantly investing in the future. We’re all familiar with Return on Investment (ROI). I always assumed the word "investment" meant money, but sometimes it does not.

What is an "investment"?"

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Drupal PinBoard Theme - Open Source Pinterest Clone Script |

Drupal PinBoard Theme - Open Source Pinterest Clone Script | "PinBoard is built on the same type of functionality as the now famous website but PinBoard is built entirely using Drupal. PinBoard comes with a simple installation profile that quickly helps you set up the theme within just a few short steps. The PinBoard theme also combines flexibility, unique customizations, and a clean design built on the hugely popular Skeleton responsive framework - allowing for quick and easy modifications to your theme."

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Social Network, Dating Website | Drupal Groups

Social Network, Dating Website | Drupal Groups: "Social Network, Dating Website

Posted by drdave17 on May 17, 2010 at 8:24pm
Hi Folks

Can someone provide information on how I get a Social Networking, Dating type Websites up and running?

I am looking for themes, as well as any advice, tips you can provide."

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How Menu Works In Drupal | TemplateZine

How Menu Works In Drupal | TemplateZine: "In the default Drupal interface, you’ll find  lot of links which appear as tabs. Menu system  calls them local tasks and their default appearance is tabs (although there is an ability to change the appearance). Local task work the same way like menu items do. There is an agreement that says these tasks should be described in short nouns, as short as possible. In addition, local task have to be included to any set by default. When visiting parent menu item for a local task, the local task will be shown as it is selected. General experience of working with user tabs require this"

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BuddyPress or Ning : Community/Social Networking Website toward a fully functional prepackaged product / SAS based on Drupal / let's works on that at DrupalCon SF | Drupal Groups

BuddyPress or Ning : Community/Social Networking Website toward a fully functional prepackaged product / SAS based on Drupal / let's works on that at DrupalCon SF | Drupal Groups: "Finally, we have done it
Posted by websule on August 1, 2010 at 10:04pm
Finally, We have done it!

Yes, we have created a drupal installation profile for highly configurable social networking solutions. Now, we are confused about how to monetize it? please follow that topic on:

I would be providing the working demo of the same very shortly. Looking forward towards community feedback."

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BuddyPress or Ning : Community/Social Networking Website toward a fully functional prepackaged product / SAS based on Drupal / let's works on that at DrupalCon SF | Drupal Groups

BuddyPress or Ning : Community/Social Networking Website toward a fully functional prepackaged product / SAS based on Drupal / let's works on that at DrupalCon SF | Drupal Groups: "there are new modules being released that make sites even more exciting, which I won't name.

A thought on development. Learning Drupal is not an easy process, takes alot of dedication and patience. I admire the OpenPublish package, but seeing dedicated OP folders on my webserver and themes that depart from basic Drupal aren't things you really like to see. Especially, after you've spend years working with the Drupal and so many things are affected that require different ways of working wtih them."

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IceCreamYou |

IceCreamYou | "Statuses (Social Microblog) (108 commits)
Shorten URLs (96 commits)
Application Toolbar (Appbar) (68 commits)
Tweet (66 commits)
Facebook-style Micropublisher (23 commits)
Facebook-style Statuses Comments (20 commits)
Activity Log Email Digests (20 commits)
Timeago (19 commits)"

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IceCreamYou |

IceCreamYou | "Timeago (19 commits)
Facebook-style Statuses Tag Suggestions (13 commits)
BrowserID (Mozilla Persona) (10 commits)
Facebook-style Statuses Auto-Responder (7 commits)
User Deco (7 commits)
The Sign-Up Problem (SUP) (5 commits)
Identica Tweet (2 commits)
Smiley Slider (1 com"

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Domain Madness |

Domain Madness | " Moniker, 2/11/12
HyIP is an established investment product, High Yield Investment Portfolio: Products are similar to the old penny stocks, I could develop it myself but just do not want to be "personally involved" with high risk investments (other than domains of course)

BIN: $2,200 Bids Start at: $1,200 and $50 increments, Moniker, 3/3/13
BIN: $2,500 Bids Start at $1,200 & $50 increments
This is a great name for an Ad Agency that wants to develop a strong web presence with an easy to remember name that itself is easy to advertise.

GenericDomain.US Moniker 2/8/13:
Generic is a great word and has an great CPC earning potential.
BIN $1125 Bids start at $575.00 (incr"

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Monday, March 26, 2012

When the methods you have used lose their effectiveness, its time to change.

When the methods you have used lose their effectiveness, its time to change.: "People doggedly remain loyal to concepts that either never worked well, or are no longer effective.

In order to develop a new method, plan, agenda, procedure or paradigm, it is useful to take a long hard look at where the old method has failed. If you skip this important step, there is a strong likelihood that you will simply grasp hold of another paradigm which will also leave you out in the cold."

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When the methods you have used lose their effectiveness, its time to change.

When the methods you have used lose their effectiveness, its time to change.: "People doggedly remain loyal to concepts that either never worked well, or are no longer effective.

In order to develop a new method, plan, agenda, procedure or paradigm, it is useful to take a long hard look at where the old method has failed. If you skip this important step, there is a strong likelihood that you will simply grasp hold of another paradigm which will also leave you out in the cold."

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Citrix Makes a Run at the Cloud - Businessweek

Citrix Makes a Run at the Cloud - Businessweek: "Many telecommuters know Citrix Systems (CTXS) for its programs that let them access their office applications from home. That arcane bit of software represents steady, profitable sales that investors love; the company’s stock has risen nearly 70 percent in the past year. But the future of the tech business isn’t PCs, it’s cloud computing"

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The Frager Factor: Cloud Stocks Doubled in 2011 and Will Double Still in 2012- Got Your Share?

The Frager Factor: Cloud Stocks Doubled in 2011 and Will Double Still in 2012- Got Your Share?: " $1.5M Cloud $325K NDA Cloud NDA Cloud $ NDA Cloud N/A"

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The Frager Factor: Cloud Stocks Doubled in 2011 and Will Double Still in 2012- Got Your Share?

The Frager Factor: Cloud Stocks Doubled in 2011 and Will Double Still in 2012- Got Your Share?: "bout the Talkin’ Cloud Stocks Index*
We do not offer buy, sell or hold recommendations on these stocks. Rather, we highlight key cloud computing, SaaS, PaaS and IaaS trends using this index coupled with our blogs (Talkin’ Cloud, MSPmentor and The VAR Guy).
Generally speaking, we update the index each Friday. We note the week’s biggest winners and losers, recent cloud computing developments, and upcoming earnings announcements.
Most of the index members are pure cloud companies. But a few (, Google and Intuit) are transitioning into the cloud space."

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Sunday’s 10 Random Thoughts | Domain Shane

Sunday’s 10 Random Thoughts | Domain Shane: " Often we have no idea how many people we influence on a daily basis and we shouldn’t take it for granted.

8. I’m looking for an improved economy. It’s hard for me to use my nursery economic index yet because it’s early but so far so good. The stock market is looking strong, domain sales are going well, and the winter was mild. Don’t take for granted what a mild winter can do for an economy. The economy is based on people spending money and when weather is cold and snowy they don’t spend as much. We had none of that this year. The money that was spent was reinvested and put back to work. I think businesses, including domain sales are going to be strong this year."

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Sunday’s 10 Random Thoughts | Domain Shane

Sunday’s 10 Random Thoughts | Domain Shane: "While the blogs are very open and certainly share great info, if you really want to learn you’ll have to develop relationships with others in your industry and have personal discussions. How do you do this? Go where they meet or set up meetings. Conferences are a great start. Emails work as well. The key is to not be a brain picker or an ideal stealer but rather a sharer.

6. Everyone needs a mentor in every business. To find someone that is a friend that has been there, done that, is worth more than any paid education can offer."

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Sunday’s 10 Random Thoughts | Domain Shane

Sunday’s 10 Random Thoughts | Domain Shane: "There is not much they can do but as long as the owners have time to renew the domains AFTER the auction ends. There is always going to be the domainers that email the original owner to remind them to renew and hope to buy it cheaper than the auction. Until there is a fix, the higher the price, the larger chance the buyers aren’t going to get the name."

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Monday, February 6, 2012

Should I pay annually for my hosting? - Page 23 - Web Hosting Talk

Should I pay annually for my hosting? - Page 23 - Web Hosting Talk: "t a few hundred links) that the website that has resources (at least four times what I really beed will be able to handle the spikes in traffic.

50GB of Space and 400GB of bandwidth

Using cloud servers... would cost about the same as what I pay for 100GB on Blue Host "

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★ ★ Fast Reliable Lowcost Reseller DirectAdmin Cloud Servers - Host Discussion Blog - Web Hosting Community and Review Forum

★ ★ Fast Reliable Lowcost Reseller DirectAdmin Cloud Servers - Host Discussion Blog - Web Hosting Community and Review Forum: "
* Dedicated Operating System: Dedicated CentOS Linux Operating System; Operating System can be upgraded or patched at anytime;
* Cloud Server Control Panel: With KVM Control Panel customers can self install OS, self install DirectAdmin software, reboot DirectAdmin Cloud Servers, and access server console remotely;
* Administrative Access: Root access for DirectAdmin servers. Server owner access for DirectAdmin web interfaces.
Server owner can create unlimited resellers or unlimited direct users. Each reseller can create unlimited users under the reseller name. Three levels (server owner, resellers, end users) web based interfaces to manage your files, email accounts, DNS, and databases, and websites;
* Softaculous Auto Installer: Softaculous software can be added to DirectAdmin software. With"

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UK Web Hosting - Affordable Web Hosting UK Services by eUKhost

UK Web Hosting - Affordable Web Hosting UK Services by eUKhost: "00 MB Space
2 GB Bandwidth
DotNetPanel / Plesk
Multiple Addon/Subdomains
99.95% Uptime
30 Days Money Back"

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Reseller Hosting Plesk Website Hosting Cloud Web Hosting Cheap SSL

Reseller Hosting Plesk Website Hosting Cloud Web Hosting Cheap SSL: "ully Managed Cloud Servers. Redundant SAN Storage, Guaranteed Uptime, 100 Mbps Uplink, 1000 GB data transfer & more.
Choice of Plesk / Cpanel


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Cloud Hosting, Cloud Computing | VEXXHOST.COM

Cloud Hosting, Cloud Computing | VEXXHOST.COM: "
Engineered Fully-Redundant Cloud Platform
The in-house engineered cloud platform has been designed to offer an unmatched level of redundancy. The system is designed to sustain simultaneous multiple failures at hard drive, network, power, hypervisor and storage leve"

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Cloud Hosting, Cloud Computing | VEXXHOST.COM

Cloud Hosting, Cloud Computing | VEXXHOST.COM: "
Engineered Fully-Redundant Cloud Platform
The in-house engineered cloud platform has been designed to offer an unmatched level of redundancy. The system is designed to sustain simultaneous multiple failures at hard drive, network, power, hypervisor and storage leve"

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JVM Host - Affordable, automated and rock-solid Java Hosting

JVM Host - Affordable, automated and rock-solid Java Hosting: "Apache Tomcat is the most popular Java application server used for running Java Server Pages and servlets at Java hosting companies. It is actively developed by Apache Software Foundation and due to its low resource requirements it is low priced by Java hosts. We, at JVM Host aim to make Java hosting available to everybody including Java developers, enthusiasts, students and any other kind of clients by trying to be the cheapest Java hosting provider on the market"

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JVM Host - Affordable, automated and rock-solid Java Hosting

JVM Host - Affordable, automated and rock-solid Java Hosting: "Java is a modern programming language, very popular and actively developed. Java Virtual Machine provides maximum portability and isolation. There are numerous frameworks for Java that ease developer work like Springs, Struts, JSF, GWT, Grails, Stripes, Tapestry and others. All these can be used in our Java hosting with dedicated JVM."

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Cloud and Cloud VPS Hosting | Cloud Hosting Pricing | GMO Cloud America

Cloud and Cloud VPS Hosting | Cloud Hosting Pricing | GMO Cloud America: "Pricing
News & Events

Upcoming Cloud Industry Trade Shows
We've assembled a brief list of notable trade shows and conferences throughout the rest of this year across industries and a range of cloud computing topics for CIOs, IT executives and professionals in the cloud space.

Hostingcon 2011 in San Diego to Discuss Impact of Cloud Hosting
The seventh annual Hostingcon will be held August 8-10 in San Diego, California.

Need Help
Call 855-GMO-HOST

GMO Cloud America – Cloud and Cloud VPS Hosting Packages
On-demand, affordable Cloud and Cloud VPS Hosting has never been simpler nor more intuitive. With instant deployment and backed by powerful technology, GMO Cloud America makes it easy for you to migrate from traditional hosting to the cloud—and reap its many benefits. GMO Cloud America Servers are designed to be completely scalable so you choose the size you need and only pay for what you use. Add resources on demand, when you need them or increase CPU power or memory on the fly.

Cloud Hosting Pricing
Use one of the three pre-configured packages (GMO10, GMO20, GMO30) below and have your server up and running in minutes.


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Canon U.S.A.

Canon U.S.A.: "Photo All-In-One Printer Item Code 2180B002 PIXMA MP610 15604 The Premium Photo All-In-One. Ease of Use PLUS. This powerhouse All-In-One can transform your home office. Thanks to its patented 4,608-nozzle print head, it produces 4 x 6 photos with

Specifications Brochures & Manuals Service & Support
Drivers & Software FAQ What's in the Box
Supplies & Accessories"

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Monday, January 23, 2012

Intense Debate Comment Importer Plugin Blogger to Wordpress | InTechgrity

Intense Debate Comment Importer Plugin Blogger to Wordpress | InTechgrity: "
Go to your Intense Debate dashboard and select the site.
Now under tools click on XML Export and save the file.
That’s it! Now move on to the next step
Updated 13.08.2010:"

'via Blog this' | Domain Expenses | Domain Expenses: "

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(3) Jeffrey Sullivan - Google+ - After the week in Death Valley with my kids earlier this…

(3) Jeffrey Sullivan - Google+ - After the week in Death Valley with my kids earlier this…: " looking at both the research papers and all the skeptical information i could find, I could find no credible challenges to the greenhouse gas theory, the actual evidence of warming from many independent data sources, or the evidence of anthropogenic (man-made) influence from factors including methane, CO2 and black carbon soot. The motive to spread misinformation on the subject is profit. People will gladly accept weak, unsupported arguments against the bad news"

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Artist Promotion vs. Illegal Downloading

Artist Promotion vs. Illegal Downloading: " music as well as file sharing, and mass artist promotion and advertising on websites such as PureVolume and MySpace.

With the sales of iPods and MP3 players rocketing sky high recently, with Apple selling22,727,000 iPods in just three months and gaining a handsome of profit of $10.17 billionlast year[1], music has never been so accessible."

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AZ Ranks 2nd In Nation...

AZ Ranks 2nd In Nation...: "in Identity Theft, according to the FTC.

"Identity Theft remains a problem nationwide as well as in Arizona. In fact, per the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Consumer Sentinel Data Book for 2010, in 2010 Arizona ranked 2nd in the nation with the number of cases of identity theft (based on complaints per 100,000 population).""

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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Free PHP Templates

Free PHP Templates: "osCommerce Templates
Papervision 3D
Personal pages
PHP-Nuke Themes
Premium Templates
Real Estate
Society & Culture

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Free PHP Templates

Free PHP Templates: "Christmas Templates
Clean style
CRE Loaded Templates
Drupal Templates
Dynamic Flash
Dynamic flash photo galleries
Dynamic Swish

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Free PHP Templates

Free PHP Templates: "CRE Loaded Templates
Drupal Templates
Dynamic Flash
Dynamic flash photo galleries
Dynamic Swish"

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Free PHP Template

Free PHP Template: "
Welcome to Free PHP Template!

Free PHP Template is a premium source for high quality website templates designed by well known professionals in web market. Free PHP Templates offers business php website templates, flash templates, flash intros, corporate identities, Joomla templates and php-nuke templates and themes. Our templates are best designed, very creative, based on latest technology including AJAX, Web 2.0 and ASP.NET 3.0
We save you not only time and money by providing superior quality ready to edit free and professional website templates; but also ensure that any website you need, should have the professional edge you need to succeed. Free PHP Template also offers biggiest collection of free website templates, free flash templates, free php template, free php templates, free Joomla templates. Free PHP Template rated one of the best websi"

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Fresh Pick

Fresh Pick: "FreshPick is a free, W3C-compliant, CSS-based website template by This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License, which means that you are free to use and modify it for any purpose. All I ask is that you give me credit by including a link back to my website.

You can find more of my free template designs at my website. For premium commercial designs, you can check out"

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Watermarking Photos in Dolphin 7 | Arvixe Blog

Watermarking Photos in Dolphin 7 | Arvixe Blog: "rk next to “Enable Watermark” and then select a photo to upload. When you click “Save” the photo will be uploaded and the settings saved. You can also make the watermark transparent if you wish by changing the “Transparency for first image” option to something greater than 0.


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Contentparts [phpwcms-HowTo:wiki]

Contentparts [phpwcms-HowTo:wiki]: "hort link overview

Teaser/link article
Slider with jQuery

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ARTICLE [phpwcms-HowTo:wiki]

ARTICLE [phpwcms-HowTo:wiki]: "ode you choose.

An article is consisting of Article Head, Title, Subtitle, Time settings for switching visibility depending on date, Article Alias Name, Templates, Summary and pictures, one for the article itself, another one for the article listing mode, just to name a few important ones.

An Article now can contain one or many Content Parts (CPs).


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How to Install a Module in Dolphin 7 | Arvixe Blog

How to Install a Module in Dolphin 7 | Arvixe Blog: "e to click the plus sign beside the error and see what caused the installation to fail. Normally this happens if the module you are installing has dependencies on other modules that need to be installed first. If this is the case, simply follow the steps above for those modules and then return and install the one that failed.

Now we need to recompile the language strings for the module we just installed. Place a check mark next to the newly installed module and then click “Recompile Language”."

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Install Captcha on Elgg 1.8 | Arvixe Blog

Install Captcha on Elgg 1.8 | Arvixe Blog: "called Captcha in elgg 1.8. Spammers are a big problem for this platform. They have automated systems that will hammer your site and make it unavailable. In order to keep your site, and our servers, up and running – it is recommendable to install tools like this one.

What Captcha does is upon registration, a user has to enter some random characters before signing up to your site. This is good, because it will stop bots from registering in your elgg 1.8 site and the flow of spams will decrease. You can download Captcha from here. .

1. Once downloaded, upload the plugin in the mod folder of your installation elgg 1.8:"

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cPanel/Linux Hosting | Arvixe Blog

cPanel/Linux Hosting | Arvixe Blog: "In today’s article, I will show you how to setup your Dolphin 7 site so that it automatically watermarks any photo that are uploaded. This will prevent the un-authorized copying of photos you or your users upload to the site.

We will start by logging into the Dolphin admin menu, then clicking “Watermark” under the “Settings” menu on the left side of the screen.

Learn More

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Technics [phpwcms-HowTo:wiki]

Technics [phpwcms-HowTo:wiki]: "Short link overview

System variables
Category/article/cp -ids
Internal function call
Content part Types
Image call tag cmsimage.php
DB query using the funct. "_dbQuery"
xml:lang=YOUR LANG de en ...
Script into

Templates [phpwcms-HowTo:wiki]

Templates [phpwcms-HowTo:wiki]: "sic understanding

The system itself is providing templates for almost every Content Part of an article. They can be found at inc_cntpart/name-of-cp (attention: some of them are not self-explaining!) and at template/inc_default (the default if no specific template has been chosen)
Now - how is this going to work
While you are working at an article you mostly want to add some content for your readers. This will be achieved by adding a Content Part by selecting one from the pull down menu at the top of the page's basic edit window (the window you'll get when adding a new article)
–image– "

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cPanel/Linux Hosting | Arvixe Blog

cPanel/Linux Hosting | Arvixe Blog: "want your site to have video content, you might have noticed that Clip-Bucket has option to upload photos and create collections for them. You’ve come to the right place; I’ll show you how to remove all traces related to photos from your Clip-Bucket v2.6 site. It might work for other v2.x versions, but I have not tried; if you want me to take a look at specific version, let me know, and I’d be more than glad to assist you.

Difficulty level: Easy, it just takes a couple of minutes.

Learn More
Tags: 2.5, 2.6, bucket, clip, ClipBucket, collections, delete, disable, from, guide, how to, juapo2services, remove, remove collections, remove photos, richi, steps, v2, v2.5 | Posted under ClipBucket | 2 Comments"

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Web Hosting by Arvixe

Web Hosting by Arvixe: "
CMS Hosting
CMS Made Simple Hosting
phpNuke Hosting
Geeklog Hosting
phpWCMS Hosting
phpWebSite Hosting
Shopping Cart Hosting
OpenCart Hosting
osCommerce Hosting
CubeCart Hosting
Buy Safe Hosting
Zen Cart Hosting"

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BuildASite.US › Plugin Install — WordPress

BuildASite.US › Plugin Install — WordPress: "rmat in many different ways, for example:

Add an extension: /%pagename%.html
Add a parent directory name: /content/%pagename%/
Prefix the page name: /page-%pagename%/
Or using a combination of the above.
This same format applies for categories, tags and authors, however the structure tokens differ:

Categories: %category% (E.g. /category/%category%.html)
Tags: %post_tag% (E.g. /tag/%post_tag%.html)
Authors: %author% (E.g. /author/%author%.html)
Each permalink base can be edited directly via these settings, for example using /people/%author%.html as the Author permalink structure will replace /author/ with /people/."

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phpwcms :: web based content management system | Download | Download phpwcms

phpwcms :: web based content management system | Download | Download phpwcms: "Latest release always available here

Always updated

current release 1.3.3 (forum)
all releases always available on

Don't use older releases anymore. Development release should be stable for use in production. For support visit phpwcms forum.

Additional software for use with phpwcms

It is recommend that you have installed ImageMagick 5.5.7-10 (or higher) and GhostScript 7.05 (or higher). Current versions of ImageMagick can be found here. On *NIX systems try to find the right package for your distribution. I have tested the RedHat 7.3 package from with success on Suse 8.1 – on Windows use the *Q16-windows-dll.exe installer. Use the support forum if you have questions about how to install. Yeah: and you must have installed current"

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phpwcms :: web based content management system | News | XML RSS feed creation implemented

phpwcms :: web based content management system | News | XML RSS feed creation implemented: "XML RSS feed creation implemented

A user asked for the possibility of RSS creation. So here it it! The file rss.php will create a RSS 1.0 compatible XML file. It is possible to create different feeds based on your site structure. Try the complete RSS feed.

You can download the current version here. Take care that you do not overwrite your configuration files. Everey time you do code updates make a backup of your installation. All configuration files can be found inside the include/inc_conf directory. DO NEVER UPDATE YOUR TEMPLATE DIRECTORY!!!"

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phpwcms :: web based content management system | Download | Download phpwcms

phpwcms :: web based content management system | Download | Download phpwcms: "on't use older releases anymore. Development release should be stable for use in production. For support visit phpwcms forum.

Additional software for use with phpwcms

It is recommend that you have installed ImageMagick 5.5.7-10 (or higher) and GhostScript 7.05 (or higher). Current versions of ImageMagick can be found here. On *NIX systems try to find the right package for your distribution. I have tested the RedHat 7.3 package from with success on Suse 8.1 – on Windows use the *Q16-windows-dll.exe installer. Use the support forum if you have questions about how to install. Yeah: and you must have installed current versions of PHP (>4.2.1, 4.4+ recommend) and MySQL (>3.23.0, 4.1+ recommend)."

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phpwcms :: web based content management system | Download | Download phpwcms

phpwcms :: web based content management system | Download | Download phpwcms: "phpwcms is a project that might never be finished. Everey day new fixes, extensions and enhancements maybe published. So come back regulary to see if there is something new for you. You can find former releases on too.

I have to say sorry - but I'm not able to update every text when something has changed. It's a question of time.

Latest release always available here

Always updated

current release 1.3.3 (forum)
all releases always available on

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phpwcms :: web based content management system | News | phpwcms is still in development

phpwcms :: web based content management system | News | phpwcms is still in development: "v1.2.5-dev released

I often get emails asking if this project is stopped: NO! I'm still developing phpwcms but a bit slower because of lot of different projects I'm working on at the moment. Sorry for the delay.

Now a new "stable" development release is out and it's the best available ever. Some functions are implemented and some are in preparation - not finished yet like frontend stuff. But this will be available within next 2-3 weeks because I got an appartment in Berlin. So I will have around 15 hours a week in addition for developing phpwcms. "

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SiteGround Web Hosting - Resources

SiteGround Web Hosting - Resources: "SiteGround stands out from the competition with its richest web hosting Resources section online. We've gone out of our way to compile valuable and comprehensive information and made it easily accessible to help and support the SiteGround Community!"

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SiteGround Web Hosting - Resources

SiteGround Web Hosting - Resources: "SiteGround stands out from the competition with its richest web hosting Resources section online. We've gone out of our way to compile valuable and comprehensive information and made it easily accessible to help and support the SiteGround Community!"

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Sign up for SiteGround hosting services!

Sign up for SiteGround hosting services!:

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Key Elements of an Effective Long-Tail Landing Page | Arvixe Blog

Key Elements of an Effective Long-Tail Landing Page | Arvixe Blog: "optimized in order for a page with long-tail keywords to be successful and generate conversions.

1. 100% SEO-optimized Landing Page Code. It is essential (and also a major determining factor) that the code with which the long-tail landing pages are developed is 100% SEO-optimized. The key is clean code, without errors or that doesn’t overuse technologies that search engines cannot interpret easily.

2. Long-tail Landing Page Design. The design is very important because it’s the brand image. Long-tail landing pages should have the same design as the website to assure users browsing the website, without them worrying whether it is a landing page or a page inside the site."

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The Business of Long-tail SEO | Arvixe Blog

The Business of Long-tail SEO | Arvixe Blog: "ong-tail SEO

The point of long-tail SEO is to capture all those users who perform searches using 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 keywords or more. The most cost-effective, fast and effective way to do this is through landing pages that have been optimized in terms of code and content to position them among the first results in search engines.

Using long-tail SEO can boost visits from search engines by up to 80%. So, the more pages optimized specifically for each of your products or services, the greater the positions they occupy in the search engine results, thus achieving greater numbers of visits, encouraging users to spend more time on your site, increasing the conversion rate and decreasing the bounce rate.

The Business of Long-tail SEO

The idea behind long-tail SEO business is to achieve higher results with lower investment. It is a tailored strategy that uses resources effectively. Much of that effectiveness lies in its ability to identify users with the greatest potential as customers through their Internet searches."

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DotNet/Windows Hosting | Arvixe Blog

DotNet/Windows Hosting | Arvixe Blog: "our site usage.  Some ideas for customizing your 404 page:

1) Add links to your most visited site areas, like “Most Popular Articles”, “Frequently Asked Questions”, “Our Products”, or any other information that’s frequently relevant to your customers.

Learn More
Tags: 404 page, custom, custom 404 page, customize, mojoPortal  |  Posted under MojoPortal  |  No Comments
mojoPortal Tips: How mojoPortal Benefits Your Users

Last Updated on Friday, 6 January 2012 09:53"

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investing in Long-Tail SEO a real investment | Arvixe Blog

investing in Long-Tail SEO a real investment | Arvixe Blog: " Lower investment

• Reduced competition

• New content and permanent updating

• More conversions and sales

• Increased profitability

Long-tail user is a 100% potential client

Long-tail SEO reaches more users who know what they are looking for and what they want, that use more than 3 and up to 7 keywords in their searches.

For these users, the Internet is commonplace. They use it to check things, find information, find out the latest news, shop, sell and communicate."

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Internet | Arvixe Blog

Internet | Arvixe Blog: "Archive for the ‘Internet’ Category
« Older Entries
SOPA – What does it all mean?

Last Updated on Tuesday, 3 January 2012 05:28
Written by Mike Hoffman
Friday, 30 December 2011 04:41
The official position of Arvixe is against SOPA. This is an educational article informing blog readers about the current SOPA bill and its potential impact on the web hosting industry.

Over the span of the last two months, SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) [1] has garnered much attention and criticism. In a nutshell, this bill was designed and proposed to help protect artists and intellectual property owners. Sharing and illegal downloading of music, movies, and software  has been very prevalent since the inception of the internet, and even beforehand – some of our older readers might remember swapping floppy discs for the latest computer games"

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Using Arvixe | Arvixe Blog

Using Arvixe | Arvixe Blog: "earn more about SEO:
1. The 10 Key Elements of an Effective Long-Tail Landing Page
2. SEO and Web Marketing Techniques for the Small Business
3. Long-tail SEO for Beginners

Simply because its benefits are immediate, cost-effective and scalable. The time of SEOs and agencies that position keywords of 1 and 2 words is over. Not just because of the enormous competition for these keywords, but due to the time and cost required to position them. Not just due to the cost, but due to the returns.

Because the client doesn’t just need visitors and new traffic every day. They also need conversions, sales, profitability. A website can be a profitable business if it allows us to reach out to the public that is out there, looking for something on the Internet."

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Using Arvixe | Arvixe Blog

Using Arvixe | Arvixe Blog: "Hello! Today I am going to be showing you how to configure GoogleApps for your emails using cPanel. By doing this, you will let Google handle all of your emails. You can take advantage of more than 7 GB of space, powerful spam filtering and excellent mobile platform integration. Please keep in mind that you will not be able to send emails through our server after you switch your mail system to Google.

To take advantage of this Google Application, you must already have a GoogleApps account that is configured to your domain. If you do not already have a GoogleApps account configured to your domain, create one first by going here, registering, and following the easy steps to verify your ownership of the domain."

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Programming/Coding | Arvixe Blog

Programming/Coding | Arvixe Blog: "How to Change the Background Color of Elgg 1.8

Last Updated on Tuesday, 29 November 2011 03:51
Written by Rodolfo Hernandez
Tuesday, 6 December 2011 12:00
This article will give you a step by step guide on how to change the default background color of Elgg 1.8. With an FTP manager, connect to your website public_html and follow these steps:

1) Open the file YourElggFolder\views\default\css\elements\reset.php

2) Inside the file, look for the BODY section. In that section is where we are going to change the background color of your Elgg 1.8 site:"

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PageOne: "Welcome.
Hello there. We are PageOne. We are a small design studio based in somewhere. We create awesome websites, user interfaces, logos and other digital stuff. We're here to make you and your business stand out from the crowd.

Learn more about us or get in touch if you want to hire us on your next project."

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Monday, January 2, 2012

My Links and Navbar!: Coupon Script for Wordpress - CouponPress

My Links and Navbar!: Coupon Script for Wordpress - CouponPress: "Coupon Script for Wordpress - CouponPress
Coupon Script for Wordpress - CouponPress: "Create SEO friendly coupon code websites in minutes with our coupon code theme!
CouponPress is a powerful, secure, SEO friendly coupon code theme for Wordpress that makes setting up your own coupon code website quick and easy! It has built in support for coupon codes, printable coupons, voucher codes, deals and offers, built in CSV import tools, integration for icodes and ForMeToCoupon networks, checkout pages allowing visitors to submit their coupons, coupon ratings, auto thumbnail creations, link cloaking, 20+ changeable coupon designs and support for 1,000's of extra plugin's!""

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