Blogger Templates

Thursday, May 19, 2011

How do I use the Blogger Reading List? - Blogger Help

How do I use the Blogger Reading List? - Blogger Help: "How do I use the Blogger Reading List? Share Comment Print
(Note: We are slowly adding this feature for all users, some of the functionality may not be available to all users immediately.) With the Blogger Reading List, you can read all of the latest posts from your favorite blogs right on your Blogger Dashboard! Your Blogger Reading List, conveniently located under your list of blogs on your dashboard, enables you to subscribe to any blog with a feed. It will update instantly each time a new post is published on any blog in your Reading List. Additionally, you can check out our latest Blogger Buzz posts from the 'Blogger Buzz' tab, and the latest Blogs of Note from the 'Blogs of Note' tab.

It is simple to add a blog to your Reading List. First, click on the 'Blogs I'm Following' tab under 'My Reading List' on your Blogger Dashboard."

SandCloud is thinking that Google Reader might be "the answer" to my bad habit of opening my multiple tabs! I do have another bandwidth user (my daughter) at least she's only using an Ipad at this point!

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